Sunday, June 20, 2010

"The Best things in Life Are Right Here in Cleveland" Lyrics

I know this isn't a recipe but everyone on the internet had these wrong so I need to write them down:

The best things in life are right here in Cleveland,
there are friendly people here.
Getting around is easy here,
we're a town where great things happen all year.
You can live in the country and be minutes from town -
catch a show, catch a night club, or just shop around.

The best things in life are right here in Cleveland,
from the Flats to the Cleveland Zoo.
From the Playhouse to Karamu --
We're a big league city, we're little league too.
University Circle, Blossom and the parks,
make it clear, very clear, that
Cleveland's a great place to live, 'cause the best things in life are here,
yes, the best things in life are here.

Now, does anyone know both verses to the Lawson's "Roll on, Big O" Song?


  1. No, but I can tell you there are Lawson's in Japan!

  2. I left Cleveland to serve in the Vietnam War and destiny took me elsewhere, but my heart is in Cleveland forever.

  3. We’re a big league city, with little leagues too.

  4. This is close, except for it should be "catch some night life" and "with little leagues, too."
